Discover Your Company's AI Maturity Level

AI is a technology that is increasingly present in our daily lives. But do you know what your company's AI maturity level is? Take the test and find out!

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The 5 Stages of AI Maturity

An organization's AI maturity stage determines the business value it can generate with artificial intelligence solutions.


The organization is exploring what AI is and discovering possible business applications.


The organization is experimenting with proof of concepts and pilot tests to validate usage hypotheses.


The organization is evolving from pilot tests and proof of concepts to using models in production.


The organization is applying artificial intelligence in both internal operations and products and services.


The organization is surpassing the boundaries of its industry and producing solid business results with AI usage.

With over 25 years of experience in the technology and Digital Transformation area, I can affirm that a Digital Maturity Test in companies is essential. It increases awareness of the current situation and allows us to create strategies for assertive evolution. It is the starting point for success in the digital era.

Aldo Segnini
CEO of Tailor Strategy | VP of I2AI
believe that if they don't scale AI, they could be completely out of business.
3 out of 4
Of the largest companies have already been transformed by AI.
The number of companies transformed by AI is expected to double by 2024.
2X in 2024

Our Vision

How AI is Transforming Companies

Artificial intelligence is transforming the world just as electricity illuminated and the internet connected it. However, just like electricity in 1910 or the internet in 1990, AI in 2023 has yet to have a real impact on most companies.

As with any revolutionary new technology, it takes time for leaders to discover how to leverage it tangibly, generating business results.

Our maturity test is designed to assist both decision-makers and technology professionals in identifying areas for improvement in the 5 key dimensions for AI: Strategy, data, technology, people, and governance.

The test aims to provide a comprehensive understanding and facilitate the prioritization of actions that will have the greatest impact in the current context of each organization.

Companies that scale with strategy achieve nearly three times the return in (AI)
Of companies successful in AI emphasize the importance of multidisciplinary teams
of executives say they will not achieve their goals without using AI in their companies.
However, 76% of executives report having great difficulty doing so.
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